In 2018, Goldfield Productions and North Herts Music School created a groundbreaking outreach project enabling 50 young people to tell stories in their own way though words, music and performance. The result was HIGHBURY WHISPERS, a 60 minute site-specific musical theatre piece entirely composed, written, directed, designed, performed, produced and promoted by children aged 11-16 from local schools over a 7 month period.
Lead by Goldfield creative producer Kate Romano and Head of North Herts Music School Nicky Footer, Highbury Whispers explores the history of the Victorian Highbury House through song, music, words and dance. Seven rooms and two outside spaces were transformed with lighting, sets and props into a site-specific sensory theatrical set utilising the original Victorian architecture. Audiences promenaded through the rooms, met by costumed actors, ensembles, and percussion groups as an original and imaginative World War 1 love story unfolded.
Whispers was designed as a framework to offer outstanding inspirational and educational experiences to a diverse group of young people drawn from NHMS (Saturday Morning Music School & established ensembles) and local schools including The Priory School, Hitchin Girls School, Hitchin Boys School and Knights Templar School. Between May – November 2018, the young team received mentoring, training and guidance from outstanding industry specialists enabling them create and deliver Highbury Whispers. Six public performances were given on 9th and 10th of November with a private preview (dress rehearsal) on 8th November.
Highbury Whispers was developed as part of the Hansel & Gretel storytelling outreach programme (March-November 2018) Through an extensive range of activities developed with parters, Storytelling was used as a bridge-building concept and a creative starting point, giving voice to young people to tell stories in their own way. Through workshops and events we empowered young people through decision making, by putting them at the heart of the creative process and enabling them to produce vibrant and innovative work.